How to use our Dapps?
First, you will need to have a web3 enabled wallet such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, or MyEtherWallet. You will use this wallet to interact with the Arbitrum network and to hold the assets that you will use with the DeFi product.
Next, you will need to connect your web3 wallet to the Arbitrum network. You can do this by going to the Arbitrum website and following the instructions provided to add a custom network to your wallet. This will allow you to access the Arbitrum network and interact with the DeFi product.
Once you have connected your wallet to the Arbitrum network, you will need to deposit your assets (such as ETH) to the Arbitrum network. To do this, you can use a bridge (, or that allows you to transfer assets from the Ethereum mainnet to the Arbitrum network. You will need to pay a small fee (gas) to complete this transaction.
Now that your assets are on the Arbitrum network, you can access the DeFi product you want to use. You can usually find the product on a decentralized application (dApp) platform such as Open Finance or Uniswap. In this platforms, you'll be able to see the available products and you can select the one you want to use.
Once you are on our dapp, you will need to interact with it through your web3 wallet. You can do this by accessing the product's smart contract and making transactions with your assets.
After you are done using our Dapps, you can withdraw your assets back to the network of your choice. You will need to use the bridge again to do this, and you will need to pay another small fee (gas) to complete the transaction.
We have decided to deploy our contracts on the best Ethereum Scaling solution currently available, Arbitrum,
Note: no pair is live, do not buy anything for the moment and our first sale will be through an initial bond offering in order to increase the liquidity of the token as well as the project's Treasury.
Last updated